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$ 230-231. ompounds. Intricate available, and in fact they often occur, albeit that the field of combinations and images is in some degree limited by conventional usage and by the examples of the best authors. For the rest the frequency and the nature of those intricate and bulky compounds will much depend on the style of the literary work. It requires, there- fore, a good deal of training to catch forthwith the purport of many an intricate compound. A few instances will suffice. Kádamb. I, p. 15 the king, it is said, saw a lady fade edtade quHAHayaufonigarina pfâ »who was like Rati, stained by the smoke of Kâma burning by the fire of angry Çiva," for when analyzing the complex, we get and R at yatsuda afat, ap parently a tatpurusha, the former member of which is also a tatpurusha the former member of which is also a tatp. and so on. Now a bahuvrihi. In the same Kâd. (p. 39) a forest bears m404 the epithet afatana frien frundet salar daaganu (where the roots [of the trees] had been moistened by the abund- ant blood of the army of the Râxasas killed by the shots of the crowd of sharp arrows [discharged] by the son of Daçaratha), here T is the subj. of the bahuvrihi, the preceding complex being its predicate, an intricate tatpurusha, as it is thus to be analyzed za fafandi squi fe fadded paar turi a na furf. This whole clause is comprehended within one compound. And so often. z 231. Case-nouns standing outside the compound are very Case- often to be construed with it or with one of its mem- nouns standing bers. This is but consistent with the whole spirit, which itside the mpound, pervades Sanskrit composition. A great liberty is left it to be instrued to the speaker to prefer either a rather synthetical with it. or a rather analytical mode of expression. He has the opportunity of enlarging compounds by making enter within them any noun or adverb serving to qualify the 12 .