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240. Ad- verbs. § 239-241. dresses his sons qui..... (-attend on him [Çunahçepha] as your eldest), ep. 7, 18, 8. Note the attraction in this idiom. Cp. a similar employment of the loca- tive: Ait. Br. 4, 25, 9 aferen vatat mà »bis kin acknowledge his authority." L 185 ADVERBS. Sanskrit adverbs, as far as they are not old words of uncertain and forgotten origin and the like as &Ton, TA - are noun-cáses either distinctly felt as such or in some degree petrified. The accusative of the neuter singular is as a rule employed, if adjectives be wanted to act as adverbs ¹) (55). T Bahuvrihis, like other adjectives, may do duty of adverbs, when put in the accus, of the neuter. Daç. 169 ... fafand goto (and he took no less care for him as for himself); Panc. 55 3 aatmaft tragen wa mare (as her mother spoke thus, the princess lowered her head for fear and shame and said); Çâk. I fouştêntà geiguala erà afe: ([the stag] runs on casting now and then a look on the chariot so as to cause to turn its neck ever so neatly); Açv. Grhy. 1, 9, 1 anſmagunk ng fand here the first word is an adverb »from his marriage, beginning with his marriage." When derived from substantives, the adverbs are mostly modal instrumentals and ablatives (77, 104). Daç.136 faqattended , here falsely;" R. 3, 61, 201 »jokingly," »wholly". Likewise qufàur alternately," an. 241. For the sake of comparison one uses adverbs in verbs. They may be made of any noun, and are to be rendered Ad- in ar f etc., and ablatives, as old 1) Adverbs are styled frafastan »attributes of verbs." The acc. nenter of an adjective, when used adverbially, is named fami see f. i. Kâç. on P. 2, 3, 33.