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§ 243-245. atch agat a gaat (grass, earth, water, and fourthly, friendly speech). Compare these more instances, taken from the ancient language: Ait. Br. 1, 7, 13 fara af (finally he worships Aditi), Ch. Up. 6,6 gifa (it rises upwards), Açv. Grhy. 1, 11, 5 (they lead [the victim] to the north. DEGREES OF COMPARISON. Of two persons or things, possessing the same quality the comparative is to point out that which is en- dowed with the higher degree of it: TUT: (the better of these two), 4ya: Falala: (words, sweeter than honey). Even if the person or thing compared with, be implied, not expressed, the comparative may be used. We then translate it by ,tolerably, rather ')." Daç. 159 discuta a pia: facafect gen (not very long hereafter -), Prabodh. II, p. 30 ann enfeit faceff (I have abandoned my wife, though I loved her very much), Panc. 35 grat fugth: naj deprat (after hearing this, P. addressed him in a rather respectful manner). Occasionally the comparative may even express »too." Mhbh. I (Paushyaparva) Upamanyu, when asked by his master why he looks fat though every opportunity of getting food has been intercepted to him, answers he has drunk the foam, given back by the calves after having drunk the milk of their mothers. But even that livelihood displeases his spiritual teacher, for g cada mulant aan: quaat dagfya nata arani arganti if (these virtuous calves give back too much foam, for pity on you, for this reason you prevent also their being fed). 245. The superlative expresses not only the highest" but Super- also a very high" degree, just as in Latin and Greek. afas may be sometimes very bad, sometimes the worst. When denoting the highest degree, there is ge- lative. 244. Com- para- tive. - 187 - 1) Cp. Vâmana's Stilregeln by CAPPELLER, ch. Çabdaçuddhi, B. 62. 2 P. 5, 3, 57.