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§ 267-270. reflexives. So R. 3, 62, 3 ..... [nota or ; Kathâs. 36, 102. 270. 268. The indeclinable does nearly the same duty FOR as Latin ipse. It may be added to some other pronoun. Mbbh. 1, 161, 8 a rag aumi suda: (vor am I desirous of my own death). 269, The reciprocal pronouns, , sardi Reci have almost assumed the character of adverbs. As a procal pro- ART etc. auga nouns: rule, they are used in the acc. of the masc. -- etc. while being applied to every gender and every case-relation. Çak. I çà [won] qeramiohan: (the two friends look at each other); Vikram. I, p. 18 ari geri q: (they shake hands); Panc. 216 (and in this manner dis- cord arose between them); Daç. 151 3..... at aada tat- a faquara (both, either by shame or by confusion, do not open their soul to each other); Çank. on Ch. Up. p. 42 µ¶- afadźdi momzzi (the principle of life and the sun are identical to one another); Pat. I, p. 426 mamaafasa stöntai otazata afavqaai onfrazat dorur nafn. Op. also Kam. 2, 42; Mâlav. I, p. 24; Kathâs. 2, 41 etc. 201 Yet they admit also of other case-endings, f. i. Panc. III, 200 a72a- per uffor à au : (they who do not observe the weak points of each other); Harshac. 2 1 fata HD (dis- putations arose between them). So Nala 5, 32: . Nala A. 1, 16 the acc. # is depending on the prep. gfà. And so on. See Kâç. on P. 8, 1, 12 vårtt. 9 and 10; vârtt. 10 teaches the optional employment of forms in , if feminine and neuter words are concerned f. i. gadam (or 14) 34 arduga — şà ar- 0 a - Histurk The same meaning is carried by the adverb: (mutually), which is not less used. 2. DEMONSTRATIVES, RELATIVES, INTERROGATIVES. In ancient language the demonstratives are often