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226 § 299-301. far more frequent than the adjectíval dvigus. Yâjn. 2, 125 aglaçougum: gaun nama: (the sons of a brahman own according to the caste [of their mother] four, three, two and one portions), Pat. I, p. 62 fis: (this bahuvrihi is of three elements). 300. Ordinal nouns of number, when latter members of a bahu- vrihi, are of course used as substantives (cp. 224 R. 1). So R. 2, 40, 17 26 (after seeing them mounted, having Sttå as the third, that is: them two with Sitá). Note the phrase

(himself with two others), : (himself with four

others) and the like, cp. Greek aurès Tpitos (TÉLTTOS). AD instance of the same phrase, but in analytic form, may be Mahav. IV, p. 74 tüa annoiteksta aita: As to a almost - »with" cp. 58 R. - 301. Fracti- ons, express- ed. Fractions are expressed, as with us, by ordinal numbers, either accompanied by some word meaning »part," as in the proverbial how phrase et (see f. i. Panc. II, 61, M. 2, 86), Ragh. 2, 66 304th viagrf: (to enjoy the sixth part of the earth), or put alone, when substantives of the neuter gender. M. 8, 398 dal (the king must take the twentieth part of it). Moreover, they may be denoted also by compounds made up of a cardinal number + such a word as TT, T etc. M. 8, 140 - ftad (he may take o); ibid. 304 : (a sixth part of the virtue); Kumāras, 5, 57 Sumà¶ng Gang (when but a third part of the night is left); Varah. Brh. 53, 25 qgist: = 1). 1 == Very common are and at. They are substan- tives and accordingly construed with a genitive, but often also compounded. Note such turns as Bhoj. 48 : (125 tall 1) This mode of desiguating fractions is however not free from am- biguousness, ae f may denote also › three parts." See Mallin. on Kuma- ras. 5, 57. Nor are compounds, beginning with always exempt from it. So f.i. may be = balf a hundred that is 50, or = a hundred + half of it, that is 150. R. 2.34, 13 gau: is explained in the Petr Dict., as being 750, but GORRESIO is right in accepting it = 350.