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§ 318. Proper Within this proper sphere of the medium some distinc- sphere of the tions may be made. The action may be done a.) by dium. the subject himself in his own behalf, as Apast. I, 25, 10 me- pà famadya ard d (they remove the sin from themselves —), 6.) by order of the subject, likewise for himself; of the kind is the medium of us. Asd is said of the patron, who makes the priests officiate for him- self and who obtains the fruit of the sacrifice, whereas the officiating priests , c.) so that the same per- son is both subject and object, as Ch. Up. 4, 4, 2 ya sualai gata: (you must name yourself -). Compare with a.) such Greek medial verbs as Topicouas „I acquire for myself," with 6.) such as raideúciai tòv vióv I have my son instructed," with c.) such as xahúmtouxi I wrap myself." Those in c.) are mere reflexives. CA Instances of medial meaning conveyed by medial forms seem to be found especially in the older texts, yet they are not wanting in the classic literature. 238 a.) Par. 1, 4, 12 a marriage-mantra contains the words afturta (put on the garment [yourself]), "for af would mean »put it on another;" Ait. Br. 2, 11, 1a à ata [for their own benefit]; Kathâs. 42, 201qu af á forman (she chose him [for her husband]) and in this meaning regularly ama, f. i. Kumâras. 6, 78; R. 1, 61, 2 (prince, take me with you); Kathas. 25, 232 the king, being presented with a golden lotus, puts it into a silver vase, and says: I would I had another similar lotus to put it into the other silver vase farà anyfor asfa ataşgà Pat. I, p. 281 37 uit (he warms his hands), ibid. P. 282 runt (he stretches his hands); - Panc. 64 ratsa: yi somìsi chà (the king's zenana are sporting in the water); Mhbh. 1, 175, 33 ...... fazafa zug Taunt Bara: İ b.) R. 2, 4, 22 Daçaratha says to his son Râma agsfufurakal - ▸