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§ 327. may be both a synonym of Latin ferebam, and of tuli¹). But the present is by its nature a durative tense, and for this reason it is eminently adapted to signify the durative, even of the past. Of course, may be added in that case (326), but it is not necessary and is generally wanting in the body of a narration. Accordingly, is often = Lat. ferebam. 245 Examples: Panc. 165 a new story begins in this manner affet- fà alth font af (habitabat).... fat fanta za grazafa (is vestes conficiebat) af .... a List deadach o (fiebat); Ch. Up. 1, 2, 13 *- mainlystar sya (fuit)&T: TATA (incantabat); Mhbh. 1, 157, 5 fat gratar (at that time they delivered the food begged to Kuntî every night); Pat. I, p. 5 pigiai aaun marú arıtà (discebant) ….... a

Bhoj. 40 aufà a faqıfà da yom a faalin adaylangat

ferat fenfi af (from that time he did not sleep or take food or converse with anybody, but with a heavy mind he la- mented night and day); Panc. 145 begins the story of some monk, who did inhabit (aff) some monastery, his ordinary life is described by a set of present tenses without (.... afafa.... BAT). A past tense and the present may even be put close together. R. 2, 63, 14 Daçaratha relates to his queen 4161 (440) - 3 2 1) In the brahmanas the present with T, according to DELBRÜCK Altindische Tempuslehre p. 129, is always Lat. imperfect, never Lat. per- fect: Das Präsens mit sma steht im Sinne der Vergangenheit, jedoch - so viel ich sehe nicht so dass damit ein einmaliges vergangenes Ereigniss bezeichnet würde. Vielmehr drückt das Präsens mit sma dasjenige aus, was sich öfters, besonders was sich gewohnheitsmässig ereignet hat." In the classic dialect, however, is both = ferebat, and = tulit. Plenty of instances may be drawn from classic literature. Only see the examples to P. 3, 2, 118, 119, and Kathâs. 1, 33 quoted 326. -