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§ 33-35. 33. In the archaic dialect we frequently meet with two nominatives Middle construed with some verbs in the middle voice, viz. such as signify voice atten- to call one's self, to consider one's self. ') Rgv. 10, 85, 3 ded by two no- af (he thinks himself having drunk soma), Ch. Up. 5, 3, 4 minati- किमनुशिष्टो ऽवोचथा यो होमानि न विद्यात्कथं सो ऽनुशिष्टो ब्रवीत ( why did you say you had been instructed? how could anybody, who did not know these things, claim himself instructed?), Tbr. 2, 3, 8, 2 ves, 34. 23 ऽसुरान्सृष्ठा att funded (he, after having created the asuras considered himself as if he were a father). 2) Similarly it is said in litur- gical style with nom. »to assume the shape of ", Ait. Br. 6, 35, 4 v: Tbr. 1, 1, 3, 3 कृत्वा. ३) at ad ar (having assumed a white horse's shape), श्रावू ad Rem. In classic Sanskrit this idiom seems to have antiquated. >>To call to consider one's self" is expressed by means of the reflexive pronoun, as श्रात्मानं मन्ये । श्रात्मानं ब्रवीमि. Instead of the old type we meet with such compounds as Panc. 326 श्रश्वपं कृत्वा. - 2 In the case of a substantive being the attribute or predicate of an other substantive, disagreement of gen- der or number or of both is possible. R. 2, 115, 15 भरतः fara at dun an (Bh. put on his head the pledge, [namely] the slippers). 1) This nominative has its counterpart in Greek and in modern lan- guages. So says an illustrious German poet (FELIX DAHN, Skaldenkunst p. 79) »weise wähnt' ich mich, und ach! ein Thor, ein pflichtvergessner Knabe erwies ich mich." 2) In a few passages of the upanishads and epic poetry we meet with such expressions a quer holding one's self a learned man," for ex. Mhbh. 13, 22, 13. They are hardly to be accepted as compounds, like afus- तंमन्य सुभगंमन्य and the like ( P. 3, 2, 83). ″ 3) See the amount of examples in WEBER, Ind. Stud. XIII, 111. — Ait. Br. 5, 7, 2 we have a confusion of the two constructions, the acc. of the pronoun being used together with the nom. of the noun एताभिर्महानात्मानं निरृमिमीत. इन्द्री वा