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46 § 61-62. uf, Mâlav. I, p. 21, à ma a: (he is not even equal to the 21æ FT dust of my feet); Pat. I, p. 327 : T zafa (he bas become their equal). If to compare with" is to be expressed by some metaphor, the instrumental will often be of use, so for ex., when it is denoted by the image of putting on a balance, cp. Kumâras. 5, 34. – . Compare also such expressions as Daç. 130 szufura (and I having the same business as these friends of mine here). - of a genitive: Mbbh. 1, 139, 16 R. 2, 23, 5 fed ga ai T ná the face of an angry lion). 62. As the instrumental is the exponent of the notion Instru- of accompaniment and simultaneousness, so it is also avai- mental with lable with words expressive of the very contrary, namely words of sepa- separation and disjunction. In the same way as it is said ration. with you," one is allowed dun Hiad, dat y aut 17 and the feder ([his] face shone like qay to say aut fedt, aut fag without you.") The proper case for expressing separation, the ablative is however also available. In some phrases the instru- mental is more frequently employed, in other again the ablative. The instrum. prevails with and most of the compounds, beginning with fº, also with and , but the ablative with such as 44, 4. Examples: Pane, 84 af faga: (he was not deprived of life), 4 1) Delbr. 1.). p. 71 »Der begriff trennung ist zwar logisch der gegen- satz von zusammensein, liegt ihm aber desshalb psychologisch sehr nahe." Or, to speak more exactly, it is not the conception of separation, that is expressed or signified by the instrumental, but the notion of mutu- ality underlying both union and separation, finds in it its adequate ex- pression. We have here therefore the same kind of instrum., which is spoken of in 59, 2, Accordingly words of separation may also be con- strued with etc. Panc. 57 de fautit uf. Compare English to part with.