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55 Mhbh. 1, 131, 46. phrase à truth), cp. Ch. Up. 3, 11, 2; Nala 5, 17-20. 3. to boast on. Mhbh. 2, 64, 1 4. to live by. M. 3, 162 VII una af: 5. to rejoice, to laugh, to wonder etc. at. Mhbh. 1, 138, 71 ang (you make me glad), Mudr. VII p. 221 igand FIFT (with whose virtues I am not content), Kathâs. 20, 43 aT ♬ : (the king laughed at it). Cp. g (bravo, well done) with instr. Målat. I (p. 8) any and en steandroida. Rem. In the case of 4. and 5. the ablative may occasionally be made use of. That, 34, d may be trans- itives, has been stated 42, 4; the last (af) is commonly construed so, and does but rarely comply with the instr. Rem. 2. With and the like the instrum, may be either the sociative proper (then, etc. may be added) or the karana. Ch. Up. 8, 12,3 gives a fair instance of its standing on the bordering line of both acceptations as: inftaf undat fafa (laughing [or cating], playing and rejoicing with women, carriages or relatives). 6. to fill with. Panc. 317 fiant:firfard: Choter: qf (what was left of his store of barley, he had earned by begging, therewith he filled his bowl), Mudr. V p. 184 giù: Likewise à , an elliptical (as I have said the truth, by that — www na una gran ayu af (v. a. an astrologer), Çak. 4: The genitive with words of filling is also met with, yet the general use prefers the instrumental, at least with a. 7. to vanquish in (a battle, etc.). Pane. 291 à fà affha. 8. to carry, to keep-, to bear on (in, with.) Pane. III, 202 : Font uit aant fira (the cartwright carried Pen his wife with her paramour on his head), Daç. 140 Y enfuet. Rem. In the cases of 7 and 8 the locative is the concurrent or UN idiom. It is said promiscuously gà and gaf, HOTTER điện Hạ waea Cp. Kumâras. 3,22 with Kâd. I, p. 29 for ferry. But always ry »to hold on the balance", v. a. »to weigh, to compare."