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§ 81-83. 11, 4 mdgaat aatoru sala ustafadaà 4g: ;; Kathấs. 53, 139 (the matter was told to the boy), Çâk. VII (he tells her so); Âçv. Grhy. 1, 22, 10 mm à (he should deliver to his teacher [the alms he has received]); Nala 3, 1 àna: ofara da: a (he promised them, he would do so); galia: - d.) Mudr. I (p. 44) ma: fa: fuftafa ; Mhbh. 1, 3, 178 g (requite him this). 2.) to intransitives as those of pleasing, bowing and submitting, appearing etc. So Panc. 282 me), Çâk. V (it pleases

Nala 5, 16
affa; R. 2,

firan (and may those, to whom you bow, my son, preserve you); Nir. 2, 8 m.... HO 25,4 à ga à a (a deity appeared to him). 82. 60 .. . In these and similar instances it is not the use of the Con- cur dative, which should be noticed, but the faculty of em- rent idioms. ploying in a large amount of cases instead of it some other case, mostly a genitive or a locative (cp. 129 and 145). Some words even seem wholly to avoid the dative of concern; sofa (to sell) is generally construed with the loca- tive of the purchaser, tive, adjectives as ſu, agua, a rule construed with a genitive, etc. 83. In some special cases the use of the dative is enjoined of by vernacular grammarians; of the kind are: Special cases the Jat. of cou- 1. The dat.with (good for). Cp. Pat. I, 450; Pâņ. 5, 1, 5 cern. f. Even here the gen. may be used, see f. i. R. 3, 36, 24. (to owe). (to pardon) with a geni- sted, you , as farer, fr, au and salutation. They are as 2. The dative of the creditor with 3. Some utterances of ritual, almost = „hail” to likewise most phrases of blessing are construed with a dative, but P.1, 4, 36.