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The Sarawak Trading Company.
Ærated Waters can now be had from the
above factory at the following 1/2rates:—

Large Codd®
per dozen
per dozen
Lemonade ... 65 cents 45 cents
Ginger Ale ... 65 cents 45 cents
Ginger Beer ... 65 cents 45 cents
Ginger Beer Stone ... 65 cents 45 cents
Tonic ... 65 cents 45 cents
Tonic ... 65 cents 40 cents
Soda Water ... 55 cents 40 cents
Sarsaparilla ... 65 cents 45 cents
Lemon Squash ... 65 cents 45 cents
Lemon Soda ... 65 cents 45 cents
Champagne Cider ... 65 cents 45 cents
American Cream Soda ... 65 cents 45 cents
Lime Juice and Soda ... 65 cents 45 cents

The undermentioned articles can also be obtained at the following rates:—

1/4 lb Three Castles Tobacco 58 cents per tin.

1/2 lb Three Castles Tobacco 30 cents per tin.

Three Castles Cigarettes 50 cents per tin.

(or at $5.75 per dozen tins.)

May Blossom Cigarettes 55 cents per tin.

State Express Cigarettes 70 cents per tin.

Capstan N. C. Cigarettes Med. 87 cents per tin.

(or at $4.20 per dozen tins.)

Capstan N. C. Cigarettes Mild 10 cents per tin.

Capstan Tobacco Med. Mild and Full 45 cents per tin.

Bordon's Peerless Create per ease of 48 tins $4.80.

Bar Soap (Lockwood August & Co.)

Pine Primrose per case of 20 bars $2.80.

(Reduced Prices.)



WE, the undersigned Chop Seng Hak (late Teo Sjang Kow) Dealers and Contractors to the Sarawak Government, hereby give notice that, in as much as Chin Kee has ceased to be in our employ as Manager as from the 26th November 1906, we will not be in any way responsible from the above date for any dealings which the said Chin Kee may have with any persons whatsoever, nor will we be responsible for any debts contracted by the aforesaid Chin Kee.

Chop "SENG HAK".

12th December, 1906.



Per s. s. Kuching:— From Singapore, 6th December, Messrs. R. Pawle, A. C. Vivian and the Rev. J. Oss.

Per s. s. Sarawak:— From Muka, 6th December, Miss Dobson.

Per s. s. Rajah of Sarawak:— From Singapore, 13th December, Mr. G. Malcolm.

Per s. s. Adeh:— From Limbang and Brooketon. 22nd December, Mr. and Mrs. T. Nicoll and Mr. G. Dalton.

Per s. s. Rajah of Sarawak:— From Singapore, 28th December. Dr. A. J. G. Barker, Dr. Bruce Low, Dr. Schleehter, Messrs. J. S. Geikie, J. H. Johnston, H. la Chard and Miss Hastie.

Per p. s. Adeh:—From Sibu, 29th December, Rev. Father Halder.

Per p. s. Kaka:—From Sadong, 30th December. Mr. P. Stewart.


Per p. s. Kuching:—For Singapore, 11th December, Miss Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Butler.

Per p. s. Kaka:—For Brooketon, and Limbang, 16th December, Mr. G. Dalton.

Per s. s. Rajah of Sarawak:— For Singapore, 18th December, Messrs. Malcolm and J. H. Johnston.

Per s. s. Sarawak:—For Sibu, 19th December, Mr. V. Harington and the Revd. J. Oss.

Per s. s. Kuching:—For Singapore, 26th December, Mr. and Mrs. T. Nicoll.

Per p. s. Kaka:—For Sadong, 20th December, Mr. P Stewart.



Drc Vessel's Name Flag. and Rig. Tons. Captains or Nakodas From.
3 Sri Marian Sar. sch. 80 Jahar Rejang
3 Putri Dungun Sar. sch. 52 Ledi Daro
3 Kim Seng Guan Sar. sch. 73 Sait Sadong
6 Kuching Sar. str. 903 Waddell Singapore
6 Sarawak Sar. str. 46 Hj. Mat Muka
7 Kian Moh Sar. sch. 66 Dugong Oya
8 Kim Chin Soon Sar. sch. 59 Hj. Sa.at Muka
8 Banjar Ron Sar. sch. 57 Wan Seman Sadong
8 Kim Chin Leong Sar. sch. 61 Hj. Sait Oya
10 Sin Sian Ann Sar. sch. 59 Gani Oya
10 Soon Seng Watt Sar. sch. 71 A. Yaman Sadong
10 Kim Chin Teck Sar. sch. 51 Hj. Taha Muka
11 Adeh Sar. str. 189 Jeman Sibu
12 Kim Seng Guan Sar. sch. 73 Sait Sadong
13 Rajah of Sarawak Sar. str. 892 Moxon Singapore
17 Sarawak Sar. str. 46 Hj. Mat Bintulu
17 Lorna Doona Sar. sch. 180 Hj. Amin Sadong
20 Kuching Sar. str. 903 Waddell Singapore
22 Kaka Sar. str. 222 Bandong Limbang
24 Banjar Ros Sar. sch. 57 Bandong Limbang
24 Sri Mariam Sar. sch. 80 Jahar Rejang
24 Soon Seng Watt Sar. sch. 71 A. Yaman Sadong
24 Kim Seng Guan Sar. sch. 73 Sait Sadong
26 Sarawak Sar. str. 46 Hj. Mat Bintulu
28 Rajah of Sarawak Sar. str. 892 Moxon Singapore
29 Adeh Sar. str. 189 Jeman Sibu
30 Kaka Sar. str. 222 Bandong Sadong
31 Kim Seng Guan Sar. sch. 73 Sait Sadong


Drc Vessel's Name Flag. and Rig. Tons. Captains or Nacodas For.
1 Kaka Sar. str. 222 Bandong Limbang
3 Adeh Sar. str. 180 Jeman Sibu
3 Soon Seng Watt Sar. sch. 71 A. Yaman Sadong
4 Rajah of Sarawak Sar. str. 893 Moxon Singapore
5 Sri Marion Sar. sch. 80 Jahar Rejang
8 Kim Seng Guan Sar. sch. 73 Sait Sadong
8 Lorna Doone Sar. sch. 180 Hj. Amin Sadong
9 Sarawak Sar. str. 46 Hj. A. Mat Bintulu
10 Putri Dungun Sar. sch. 52 Deli Daro
11 Kuching Sar. str. 903 Waddell Singapore
14 Soon Seng Watt Sar. sch. 71 A. Yaman Singapore
14 Banjar Ros Sar. sch. 57 Wan Seman Singapore
15 Kim Seng Guan Sar. sch. 73 Sait Singapore
16 Kaka Sar. str. 222 Bandong Limbang
18 Rajah of Sarawak Sar. str. 892 Moxon Singapore
19 Sarawak Sar. str. 46 Hj. A. Mat Rejang
23 Adeh Sar. str. 180 Jeman Sibu
24 Keng Guan Seng C. Junk 50 Liam Jik Siam
26 Kim Seng Guan Sar. sch. 73 Sait Sadong
26 Soon Seng Watt Sar. sch. 71 A. Yaman Sadong
26 Kuching Sar. str. 903 Waddell Singapore
29 Kaka Sar. str. 222 Bandong Sadong