Page:Sarolea - Great Russia.djvu/158

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The "partition" of Poland, the murder of a great civilized people, is one of the most revolting political crimes of modern times. Of this crime, Frederic, called "the Great," was the in-

    proclamation. The proclamation is a striking and illuminative commentary on some of the opinions expressed in this chapter.



    "The hour has struck in which the sacred dream of your fathers and forefathers may find fulfilment.

    "A century and a half ago, the living flesh of Poland was torn asunder, but her soul did not die. She lived in hope that there would come an hour for the resurrection of the Polish nation and for sisterly reconciliation with Russia.

    "The Russian Army now brings you the joyful tidings of this reconciliation. May the boundaries be annulled which cut the Polish nation to pieces! May that nation re-unite unto one body under the sceptre of the Russian Emperor. Under this sceptre Poland shall be re-born, free in faith, in language, in self-government.

    "One thing only Russia expects of you: equal consideration for the rights of those nationalities to which history has linked you.

    "With open heart, with hand fraternally outstretched, Russia steps forward to meet you. She believes that the sword has not rusted which, at Grünwald, struck down the enemy. From the shores of the Pacific to the North Seas, the Russian armies are on the march. The dawn of a new life is breaking for you.

    "May there shine, resplendent above that dawn, the sign of the Cross, symbol of the Passion and Resurrection of Nation!

    (Signed.) "Commander-in-Chief General Adjutant.


    i (14) August, 1914