Page:Sarolea - Great Russia.djvu/185

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within the community, as long as the Jews specialize in the predatory and parasitic activities of finance, so long shall we witness outbursts of anti-Semitic feeling.

But signs are not wanting that far-reaching changes are taking place. Intermarriages between Jews and Christians have, as we pointed out, enormously developed in recent years; so rapidly, indeed, have they developed that Professor Ruppin, in his recent striking book, announces the impending absorption of the Jewish people. On the other hand, the exploitation of capitalism is threatened by the universal advance of Socialism and the awakening of the social conscience. With the decrease of the omnipotence of capitalism the power of the Jews will also decrease. It has been said that the Jew is a microbe which only attacks unsound constitutions, but which is harmless to healthy constitutions. This much is true, that the Jew is not a cause, but a result. It is the bad constitution of the body politic which develops the bad qualities of the Jew. The Jews cannot be held responsible for the tyranny of modern capitalism, even though they have profited by it. On the contrary, no writers have denounced