Page:Sarolea - Great Russia.djvu/191

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We are further told that the Jew must not be given the same civil rights as the Russian, because even when he becomes naturalized he remains an alien. But the present legislation only succeeds in making him an irresponsible enemy of Russia, whilst at the same time keeping him settled in huge numbers in one of the most vital parts of the Empire, like a festering wound in the Russian body politic.

If it be really true that the Jew is a hostile alien, and that he can never be assimilated, then the logical policy for the Government would be to expel that alien even as Louis XIV expelled the Huguenots, even as the Spaniards expelled the Moors. But the existing legislation inflicts a maximum of suffering without producing any political result.

We are finally told that even as the Russian people must be protected by depriving the Jew of civil rights, so the Russian State must be protected by depriving the Jew of political rights. For the Jew is a Revolutionist, an Anarchist and no Government could be carried on if he were conceded full political rights.