Page:Sarolea - Great Russia.djvu/237

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of the Poles, the butchers of the Jews, the persecutors of the Uniats.

Through the influence of reactionaries it has come about that the theory of "Samoderjavie" has been perverted into a Byzantine despotism. The theory of "Pravoslavie" the principle of a National Church which, as the case of Ireland proves, may be the very reverse of a State Church, has been perverted into the dogma of Cæsaro-papism. The democratic principle of "Narodnost" has been perverted into the claim of the stronger nationality to crush the weaker.

Slavophiles would make us believe that Slavism expresses the pure undiluted Russian spirit. Unfortunately the Slavism of Katkov is often undistinguishable from Pan-Slavism, and Pan-Slavism is but the twin brother to Pan-Germanism. Slavophiles are never tired of extolling their principles as rooted in national tradition. Let them beware lest those so-called traditional principles only represent the traditions of a German bureaucracy and of a Potsdam monarchy: and, unfortunately, it is only too true that those traditions have prevailed at St. Petersburg for two hundred years. At the beginning of the war the German name of Petersburg was changed into the Russian name