Page:Sarolea - Great Russia.djvu/85

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votes. Yet they have never had the courage of asserting their rights. They have been ready to hold processions innumerable. But they have always forgotten that political liberty is not gained by talking, by making demonstrations. They have always forgotten that men must be prepared to make sacrifices in order to conquer their freedom.

The one uprising of the Prussian people was the abortive revolutionary movement of 1848, which mainly resulted in the people offering the Imperial Crown of Germany to the reactionary King of Prussia.

Compare with the attitude of the German people to their oppressors the attitude of the Russian people. It is true, the vast majority are poor, illiterate, inarticulate peasants. They have no Press to voice their demands. They are not organized in a party. Yet again and again they have challenged reactionary Governments. We may condemn the Terrorist crimes, we may come to the conclusion that they were not only political crimes, but tactical blunders, but we cannot help admiring the spirit which animated the Russian revolutionists, even when those revolutionists had their minds poisoned with the dreary philosophical material-