bloody, in every circumstance as the apparition had related to the miller. Whereupon Walker and and Sharp were both apprehended, but would confess nothing. At the assise following, viz. at Durham, they were arraigned, found guilty, condemned, and executed; but would never confess the fact. There are many persons yet alive that can remember this strange murder; and the discovery of it; for it was, and sometimes yet is, as much discoursed of in the North of England as any thing that almost hath ever been heard of, and the relation was printed, though now not to be gotten.
Strange pranks played by the Devil at Woodstock in England.
The commissioners, October 13, 1649, with their servants, being come to the manor-house, they took up their lodging in the king's own rooms, the bed-chamber, and withdrawing-room: the former whereof they also made their kitchen; the council-hall their brew-house; the chamber of presence, their place of sitting to dispatch business; and a wood-house of the dining-room, where they laid the wood of that ancient standard in the High Park, known of all by the name of the King's Oak, which (that nothing might remain that had the mane of King affixed to it) they digged up by the roots October 14th and 15th, they had little disturb-