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have been the case, also, with the scoffers who dwelt in guilty Sodom; but the same day that Lot left the place, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

Wm. Well, I'll consider of it.

Rob. I hope you will, and may God enable you to determine on the side of Christ, and your immortal soul; this is true wisdom; and you will find her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are paths of peace. But I must be going; I have told you but half the delightful work of the Sabbath-day; come and prove the rest. I will only just say, the other half of the day becomes sweeter and sweeter as one enters into the spirit of it, and I sometimes think, if there is so much comfort in the worship of God on earth, then what must heaven be!

"Oh! the delights, the heavenly joys;
The transports of the place;
Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams
Of his o'erflowing grace.

Now, compare your way of spending the Sabbath with mine, and let any man of common- sense be the judge, and I'll venture to say he will give it in my favour. You come home half worn out with recreation, as you call it—money all spent—wife perhaps out of humour—the children cross and sleepy—and when you lie down at night, you cannot ask God's blessing on the past day, but are obliged to skulk to bed like a thief that is afraid to be taken before his Judge. But in my way of spending the Sabbath, our bodies are rested from the toils of the past week, our spirits are