Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/104

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Cinder's house while she went in the other direction. No harm was in that. But when he came in late that night, with his eyes all hot and bloodshot, he ground his teeth together and asked, "Didn' I told you to stay home to-night?"

She made herself stand up straight and look him in the eyes.

"Looka here, July. No man livin can' boss me around dis way an' work me to death." She spoke out boldly and tried to jerk herself loose from his grasp.

"Yuh duh back-jaw me?" He pressed her. "Tell me dat?" His head was bent so close his eyes were near to her face.

"Sho, I'll back-jaw you much as I please. Who is you to be so big-doins anyhow?"

The words were hardly off her lips when he gave her face a slap that laid her flat on the floor. She jumped up like a cat and hit him back, but she might as well have used her fist on iron. July's sinews were too tough to feel her blow.

She reached up and tried to scratch his face, but he held her up off the floor with one hand and with the other he laid licks on her that knocked the breath out of her and blistered her skin. She didn't know a man's hand could fall so heavy. Lord, those were awful licks. She