Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/151

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"My soul be on thy guard
Ten thousand foes arise."

The weight of dismay in Mary's heart made her knees shaky. Tears burned her eyelids.

"The hosts of sin are pressing hard
To draw thee from the skies."

Prayer-meeting was over and the shouting was about to start. The middle of the room was cleared quickly as the benches were carried out into the yard and put back under the house where they would stay until next meeting night. All the Christian men who had strong singing voices grouped themselves in one corner, and after a few minutes' talk decided on the spiritual Jubalee. Andrew raised it, his deep voice ringing out full, his great throat swelling with the song.

"Dis is de year of Juba-lee.
Shout you, mo'ners, you done free."

The others marked the beat of the words with a slow hand-clapping and a quiet knee-bending, singing low until the whole congregation joined in with a hearty fervor. Men, women, children sang with faithful reverence,