Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/167

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up. Git out and work. Sweat some evy day. It'll help you to shed a lot o misery."

Mary asked if she knew what love is.

"Love?" she repeated. "Is I know love? Honey, I knew em fo-true. A 'oman wha live long as me is bound to know em." She smoked silently, then she added:

"Dey is two diffunt kinds o love, Si May-e. Two; eye-love an' heart-love. Eye-love is tricky. E will fool you. E done fool plenty o people. Two people'll meet an' tink dey have love. It seem so. De 'oman look good to de man; de man look good to de 'oman. Evy time dey meet dey talk pleasant talk. Den dey gone an' married togedder. But soon, all-two'll wish to Gawd dey ain' never see one annudder.

"Heart-love is diffunt. Diffunt from eye-love as day is from night. Sometimes joy walk long wid em, but e go much wid sorrow. Heart-love and sorrow is one mudder's chillen. When you meets wid heart-love, peace'll leave you. But heart-love is brave. E kin pure smile in de face o deat', honey. E pure shames deat'."

Maum Hannah leaned and mended the fire and mumbled on, but Mary thought about July and heart-love.

"It's a diffunce between flesh chillen an' heart chillun too. Plenty o lawful chillen is po pitiful