Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/169

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Mary shook her head. She had tried a pipe once or twice in her life and always got sick as a dog. She was not strong enough to stand tobacco smoke.

"But you mustn' mind gettin a lil sick at de start. You'll get over it. An' when you get so you can stand it, you'll crave to smoke, same as you crave victuals an' water." Maum Hannah felt in her apron pocket and took out a small clay pipe, stained brown with use.

"My pipe is broke in good. I'm gwine to leave em here wid you to-night. You try em. It'll do you all de good. I'd a been in my grave too long if I didn't smoke. My pipe is one o de best friends I ever had. Dat is de Gawd's truth. Soon as you learn on my-own, you get you a pipe bowl from Grab-All an' Budda Ben'll cut you a nice fig stem. A quarter's worth o tobacco a week'll make you a new 'oman. You try em an' you'll see."

Maum Hannah's heart was set on Mary's smoking and there was nothing to do but take the pipe and promise to try it.

"How'll you smoke to-night if I keep you pipe, Auntie?"

"I got another pipe yonder home, honey. It's a twin to dis one, just as sweet an' good. I couldn't live widout em."