Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/208

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you back whe you was. Do keep quiet. When you git ready, you can pray an' seek an' find peace an' jine de church again. If I was you I wouldn' let my mind run on Andrew no more. You leave em to Gawd an' Doll. Dey'll keep em humble enough."

Poor pitiful Budda. Mary felt like crying herself to see how hurt he was, yet his curses were funny enough to make a dog laugh.

"But I ain' been to blame, Si May-e," Ben heaved. "Andrew's an' Doll's chillen makes game o me all de time. Dey don' never stop. De very next time dey does it I'm gwine to brain em wid dis same ax." His brawny fingers twisted around the ax handle and squeezed it viciously, but Mary laughed cheerfully.

"Hush, Budda. You wouldn' hurt a flea, much less brain Andrew's chillen. You know dat. Nobody ain' got a better heart dan you, Budda, even if you does cuss awful bad sometimes. But you must quit a-frettin 'bout what you can' help. Looka how nice de sun is a-shinin up yonder in de sky, a-makin de day most as warm as summer. Be tanksful, Budda. Tank Gawd for life. Dat's de way to do. Quit you gwinen on, a-frettin so till you's all but fool in de head. I don' see how Auntie stands to put up wid you."