Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/235

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Mary laughed out, "Trouble? You has trouble? Gawd have mussy on you, Cousin. If I didn' have no more trouble'n you, I'd jump up an' crack my heels togedder wid joy. Yes, Jedus. What kinder trouble is gnawin on you to-day?"

As Andrew took up his heavy hammer and fingered it, the brawny muscles slid back and forth under the smooth black skin of his powerful arms. It was strange to see this big, strapping fellow down-hearted, for as a rule he strutted around vain as a turkey cock. Nobody was ever more sure of himself or more certain that all he did was right, nobody else had such sharp tools or such skilful, well-trained hands; but he seemed not to know just how to start telling her what his trouble was. "I declare to Gawd, Si May-e, when I think on Doll and de foolish way e done me, I git pure povoked. I ain' never had a long patience, no-how."

"Doll? Fo Gawd's sake, Cousin. You make me surprise. You an' Doll ain' lovin as two turtle doves? I didn' thought butter would much as melt in Doll's mouth, e talks so mild an' pleasant all de time."

"E didn' talk mild an' pleasant, not dis mawnin. Great Gawd, no. E like to a choked esef a-workin e tongue. All 'bout nothin, too."