Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/246

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hog out of his pen, for when she kad done all that devilment she left and only God knew where she went. But she could stay right there until Gabriel blew his trumpet for all he cared. He'd never ask her to come back. Never as long as he was in his right mind.

Mary listened, puffing at her pipe now and then, thinking the matter over. Andrew was wrong.

"Mens is different from womens, Cousin, but all o we has two minds, enty?"

Andrew agreed it was so.

"I got two, you got two, an' Doll's got two, enty?" Andrew started to speak but she stopped him, "Wait a minute, Cousin; you's willin to own Doll's got two minds de same as you, enty?"

He was.

"One o Doll's minds is good an' sensible, de other is mischeevous, enty?"

Perhaps so.

"All whilst you was talkin to me, a-tellin me 'bout Doll, all two o my minds was speakin. One mind say, 'Doll is a mean 'oman;' de other mind say, 'Doll is a po pitiful creeter. E can' stand for Andrew to go off to see anybody else after dark.' My first mind say, 'Tell Andrew to don' never fool wid Doll, not no more,' but my second mind say, 'Tell Andrew fo Gawd's sake