Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/253

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and whirled some of the yellow tassels down from the trees.

Mary was worried. What in God's world ailed Seraphine? Big Boy was a fine-looking fellow. When he got on his Sunday clothes and tiltedhis hat over on one side, any girl would be glad to get him for a husband. She must try to straighten Seraphine out somehow. She would go to Daddy Cudjoe and get a love-charm for Big Boy to use on Seraphine and cure her of any foolish notions book reading had put into ber head.

Meantime, she might try her own hand at working a spell on Big Boy's daddy. Andrew was a fine-looking fellow. Such a proudful fellow too. She would like to see him humble just once. One time would not do him any harm.

She would have to be careful, for he was fiery-tempered and headstrong, and if she displeased him he would make her rue the day she ever crossed his path. He had the name of being a good friend but a mean and heartless enemy. He liked to think he set an example which ought to be followed by every other man on the plantation, but the strongest men were weak before her little cloth conjure rag. If it failed to put a hand on Andrew it would be because he was such a faithful Christian man, always praying and