Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/27

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Budda Ben and Maum Hannah were both at meeting it made the old woman suspicious and unhappy. She'd sigh and say, "Company in de dark don' do, gal. Company in de dark don' do. When de kerosene is out and de moon don' shineand it's too hot for bright fire—just de dark and company—company in de dark don' do, gal."

Deep down in Mary's heart she knew this was true, but after she was married to July, she would help him to be steady and faithful. She would make him a home where he liked to stay. She would save his money, and teach him how to be a serious-minded man. He needed her to help him, for, in spite of his tall sinewy body and broad shoulders, July had a child's heart in his breast. He liked play better, than work because something inside him had never grown up.

He liked to tease her and plague her in all sorts of ways. One spring day while she was seeking peace and July was helping June mark his pigs, cutting every one in an ear before it was carried over the river to roam in the pasture with its mother, so that he might be able to tell his own hogs the next fall, July came where she was, caught her by the arm and held her. She thought he was going to kiss her, but he took his