Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/279

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"Pray right here, Si May-e. You'll get trompled on sho as you try to get to dat mourner's bench. De people's gone crazy."

"I ain' gwine to no mourner's bench, Budda, I gwine home. Is you deef?"

"You can' go home in dis storm, Si May-e. Sit down an' try to keep still, fo Gawd's sake."

"Don't talk to me bout keepin still. Oh, Lawd! Oh, Lawd! Do help me go home, Lawd! Oh, Lawd! What am I gwine do?"

Reverend Duncan was bending over the sinners urging them to pray harder, to be like Jacob and wrestle with God until He forgave them and put His sweet peace in their hearts. The whole congregation was in a stir, singing, wailing and weeping.

Mary called Big Boy to come help her get out. She yelled at the top of her voice but she could not make him hear her.

Thank God. Andrew heard. "You want to go up to de mourner's bench, Si May-e?"

"No, Jedus! I want to go home! Fo Gawd's sake, take me home, Andrew. Budda ain' able to make dat slow old mule hurry. Somebody's got to go long wid me."

Budda held to his stick, ready to follow in the path which Andrew cleared through the jam. Budda had forgotten his hatred for Andrew, and