Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/296

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Mary smiled. One of the children was tipping up the steps, getting ready to jump at her and scare her; an old game of July's. She'd be ready.

She put the pan on the table and crept softly along the wall till she reached the door, then she eased behind it and stood waiting——

Somebody was outside, right at the door. She could hear the quick breathing. She could almost hear the heart-beats as she waited, too, breathless. It was a game she and the children often played. But now the wait became too long. She would jump first, and turn the tables to-night. How the children did love to play!

In the soft twilight Mary stood behind the door—waiting—ready for the shrieks of laughter that would come with the quick-shouted, "I got you!"

She smiled and drew in the cool air stealthily through her nostrils. A strange smell came with it. It was not one of the children who stood there in the door. No! Mary tried to lean a little and see without being seen.

It was a stranger. A man.

"Who dat?" Mary called out sternly, moving out from her hiding-place. For some reason the words shook in her throat as she stepped forward and stood boldly in front of the door.

The strange man stood looking at her, hesitat-