Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/302

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whenever his name was spoken. She made herself say ugly things about him. She had hoped to God that his body had grown fat and soft and paunchy; that his white teeth had dropped out. But here he was. Tall and straight, lean and keen-eyed. Hardly a gray hair was in his head.

"Whe is Unex, Si May-e? Maybe de boy what you had fo me would like to see his Daddy. E use to love me."

"Unex is gone, July. E went off and left me de same as you done. Gawd knows if e's livin or dead."

The children were coming, trooping up the street, laughing, playing; then they became quiet when they saw the stranger.

July looked at them, then he looked at Mary.

"Good-by, Si May-e."

"Good-by, July."

He picked up his suitcase and walked away.

"Who dat, Si May-e? Who dat?" the children asked curiously as soon as he was out of hearing.

Mary sucked her teeth and grunted.

"Yunnuh ever hear de people talk 'bout July Pinesett? Well, dat's him." And she went on with her cooking

"Whe e come f'om, Si May-e?" another asked.