Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/55

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dances. The big drum was beating and calling everybody to come on to a dance and hot supper which Cinder was having there.

July loved to dance and pleasure himself, and even on his wedding-day he hated to miss any fun. Mary felt she ought to go with him. This was no time to be thinking of hurting feet or weariness. She was a church-member and she could not dance, but she could eat rice and hash and drink some of the sweetened water.

"Good-by, Auntie; good-by, Budda Ben." Mary kissed and hugged them both, but Maum Hannah shook a warning finger. "Mind, honey, don' forget an' shake you foot to-night. Foolishness ain' no place for a child o God. I'm sorry to see you gwine in de company of all dem sinners. Yunnuh ought to go straight on home."

July's face fell for a second, then he quickly smiled again and answered blithely, "We ain' gwine to stay wid de sinners long, Auntie. I's gwine to take my wife home early dis night."