Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/89

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But Cinder grinned and one thin shoulder lifted with her old scornful shrug. She wore gold all the time. She was not afraid it would draw lightning. People in town always wore plenty of rings and bracelets and necklaces, and lightning never struck them. She had many more things in her trunk besides these bracelets and beads and rings. At one store yonder in town, you could buy a fine diamond ring for a quarter. Town stores were not like Grab-All.

"Whyn't you stay in town if fine tings is so cheap dere? Why you come back here?"

Cinder looked up at her quickly.

"You talk like you ain' so glad I come. Dat's a pity. But July'll be glad to see me."

Cinder's pan was empty and she got up to go. But she paused at the door. "I hear-say you got a baby, Si May-e."

"I sho is, de finest lil boy-chile ever was. De pure spit o July too. E's a-sleepin right yonder on de bed un de shed room."

"I hear-say you had em too soon, an' de deacons turned you out de church. Is dat so?"

"No, it ain' so. You know good as me it ain' so. I ain' been a church-member, not since I danced at Foolishness on de night o my weddin."

A flash of lightning made Cinder's eyes glitter, but a smile fluttered over her thin lips as