Page:Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) from 1926.pdf/4

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Sub-test two

Form A

Find the answers to the problems below as quickly as you can. Do all your figuring on the margin of the page.

  1. If a man's salary is $20 a week, and he spends $14 a week, how long will it take him to save $300?
  2. If two pencils cost five cents, how many can you buy for fifty cents?
  3. If a package containing twenty cigarettes costs fifteen cents, how many cigarettes can be bought for ninety cents?
  4. At 15c a yard, how much will seven feet of cloth cost?
  5. Fifty-six pounds of camping outfit are to be carried. A, B, and C share the load in these proportions: three parts to A, two parts to B, and two parts to C. How many pounds does A carry?
  6. How many revolutions per minute can a steel cutting wheel of three feet circumference make without having its rim speed exceed the safe limit of 6000 feet per minute?
  7. What is the cost of two cans of spray, if each can contains two and a half pounds, and the price is five cents an ounce? (One pound equals sixteen ounces.)
  8. The rear wheel of a motor cycle is six feet in circumference. The gear wheel, attached to this rear wheel, has twelve teeth, and is driven by a sprocket wheel of twenty-four teeth. How far does the rear wheel travel for one complete revolution of the sprocket wheel?
  9. A man spent one-eighth of his spare change for a package of cigarettes, three times as much for a meal, and then had eighty cents left. How much money did he have at first?
  10. A steel cylinder, 20 inches in diameter, is being turned on a lathe at a speed of 1000 revolutions per minute. To what speed must the lathe be changed in order to retain the same surface speed on the cylinder when it is turned down from 20 inches to 10 inches? (Circumference of a circle = 3.1416 × d.)