Page:Scidmore--Java the garden of the east.djvu/359

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Achin, 4, 10.
Antiar. See Upas.
Arabs, 37, 38, 227, 265.
Ashantee, 10, 72.
Asoka, 194.
Ayudya, 269.

Badouins, 326.
Baloeboer-Baloeboer-Limbangan, 154.
Bananas, 8, 80.
Bandong, 150.
Bantam, 42, 333.
Banteng, 133.
Batavia, 21, 25-48.
Batavian Society, Museum of, 34, 35, 36.
Baths, 60, 131.
Battek, 42, 45, 46.
Betel-nut, 42.
Bilimbi, 84.
Birds' nests, 304.
Birds, tropic, 13, 130.
Block-printing, 261.
Boro, Boeder, 167-169, 182-202.
Botanical Garden, 66-70.
Brambanam, 218.
Breadfruit, 85.
Breon, M. René, 328.
Bromo, Mount, 265, 299.
Brunmnd, Herr, 169, 197.
Buddhism, 168, 169, 187, 190, 193, 194.
Buddhist art, 86, 167, 190, 223, 224.
Buffalo, water-, 55.
Buitenzorg, 49, 62-76, 79, 324.
Burglary, 271.

Cacao, 58, 129.
Carambola, 84.
Central America, 186, 232, 238, 263.
Chandi Sewou, 228-234.
Chicago Exposition, 143, 144, 145.
Chinese, 22, 37, 38, 39, 40, 80, 261, 262, 290.
Christianity, 55, 56.
Cinchona-culture, 70, 104, 150.
Climate, 21, 49, 127, 331, 332.
Coffee, 65, 115, 116.
Coffee-culture, 95, 103, 104, 142, 317.
Coinage, 20.
Courts of law, 271.
Culture system, 94-125.

Daendels, Marshal, 22, 95, 97, 270, 275, 276.
Dancing-girls, 188, 288.
De Charnay, M. Désiré, 186, 232, 238, 263, 264.
Delsarte, 293.
Depok, 55.
Dhyani, 193.
Dieng plateau, 237, 238.
Dishabille, 26, 66.
Djokjakarta, 170, 213, 269-282.
Dodok, 132, 166, 163, 246, 262, 297.
Duku, 83.
Durian, 85, 86.

Education, 56, 57.
Egypt, 263.

Fergusson's "History of Indian and Eastern Architecture," 169, 189, 220, 264.
Ferns, tree-, 317.
Findlay's "Sailing Directory," 328-330.
Forbes, H. O., 328.
Frangipani. 68, 92, 93.
Fruits, 80-91.

Gamelan, 143, 287, 290, 297, 322.
Garoet, 312, 313.