immortality is Soul, and not sense; matter can neither give nor take away Life. The Scripture saith, “Man liveth by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God,” and this is not material bread, but that which comes from heaven, harmony, giving its idea, immortality. We know the belief of Life in matter is sustained by eating, drinking, etc., because it reverses the order of creation, and predicates Life on matter instead of Spirit.
“And every herb bearing seed, and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree, was given man.” The idea of God (and this was man) was superior to earth, because it was the supreme idea, that embraced the entire universe in itself, and to which all others were subordinate. In this science of being, the herb bore seed and the tree fruit, not because of root, seed, or blossom, but because their Principle sustained these ideas, not as Substance, but idea, for Intelligence held dominion over matter. Reproduction is the result not of seed or soil, but the Principle of man and the universe, that produces through Intelligence. “And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, etc., wherein is Life, was given every green herb for meat.” Unto every belief of Life in matter, the green herb symbolizing the immature and imperfect was apportioned, for this belief was error and must draw its nutriment from the “tree of knowledge,” whereof if a man eat he should die.
“And God saw every thing that He had made, and behold it was very good.” Mark the distinction between the things produced by Spirit, and those supposed to be material products. Adam was sinful and
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