Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/130

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Remember that, either by suffering or by Science, mankind must sooner or later be convinced of the error that needs to be overcome.

Learn how the human mind governs the body — whether through faith in what it terms matter as law, through drugs, or through faith in itself; whether mind governs the body through a belief in the necessity of sin and sickness, death and pardon, or from the higher understanding that the Divine Mind makes perfect, and moves upon the human mind through Truth, and leads it to relinquish error. This process improves the mortal mind until error disappears, and nothing is left that deserves to perish or be punished.

Ignorance, like intentional wrong, is not Science. Ignorance must be seen and corrected before we can attain harmony. The beliefs that rob Mind, calling it matter, and deify their own notions, imprison themselves in what they create. They are at war with Science, and have established, as our Master said, “a kingdom divided against itself,” that cannot stand.

The human triumphs, achieved over the body, elevate and consecrate both mind and body, so that they present better the true ideal of man, until the creature finally disappears, and the eternal man, created by and of Spirit, is seen in the true likeness of his Maker.

Human ignorance of Mind, and of the recuperative energies of Truth, occasions the only scepticism regarding the pathology and theology of Christian Science.

The metaphysics of Christian Science, like mathematics, prove the rule by reversion. For example: there is no pain in Truth, and no Truth in pain. There is no matter in Mind, and no Mind in matter; no nerve in