the world.” Pride, envy, or jealousy seems, on most occasions, the master of ceremonies, ruling out primitive Christianity. When a man lends a helping hand to some noble woman, struggling alone with adversity, his more prudent wife saith, “It is never best to interfere with your neighbor's business.”
Again, a wife is sometimes withheld, by a covetous domestic tyrant, from the ready aid her sympathy and charity would afford. The time cometh when marriage will be a union of hearts, when couples will love one another more sincerely than at present. Furthermore, the time also cometh, of which Jesus spake, when he declared that in the resurrection there should be no more marrying or giving in marriage, but mortals should be as the angels. Then shall the Soul rejoice in its own, wherein passion hath no part. Then white-robed purity shall unite masculine Wisdom and feminine Love in spiritual understanding and worship, not of a person, but of God.
Until it be learned that generation rests on no sexual basis, let marriage continue, and let us permit no such breaking down of law as may lead to a worse state of society than now exists.
Honesty and virtue are the stability of the marriage covenant. Spirit will ultimately claim its own, and the voices of personal sense be forever hushed. Marriage should be the school of virtue, and man's offspring should be the germ of his highest nature. May Christ, Truth, be present at every bridal altar, to turn the water into wine, and give an inspiration to human life, whereby man's spiritual origin and existence may be discerned.