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Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/232

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tality. Gradually the testimony has gathered momentum and clearness, until now it nears its culmination of scientific statement and proof.

Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.
Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own.

Our courts recognize the evidence that goes to prove the motive as well as the commission of a crime. Is it not then clear that the human mind must have moved the body to a wicked act? Is not mind the murderer? Is it not properly the “malice aforethought” which kills and is sentenced? The hands, without mortal mind to direct them, could not murder. The operations of animal magnetism show that an evil mind, without the aid of hands, leads into error.

Courts and juries judge and sentence mortals, in order to restrain crime, to prevent deeds of violence, and to punish those deeds. To say that these tribunals have no jurisdiction over mortal mind, would be to contradict precedent, and admit that the power of human law is restricted to matter, while mind, which is the real outlaw, defies justice and is recommended to mercy. Can matter commit a crime? Can matter be punished? Can you separate the mind from the person over which courts holds jurisdiction? Mortal mind, not matter, is the criminal in every case; and human law rightly defines crime, and courts reasonably sentence it, according to its motive.

It is to be hoped that eventually our laws will take cognizance of mental crime, and no longer apply legal rulings wholly to such physical offences as are set forth in the old rhyme: —