ethical work of a monotheistic nation. Nay? more, it records the triumphs of a race; almost of the human race, — certainly, of one of the dominant races of the earth, the Hebrew. The faith of this race welded itself into the Jewish nation; and devotion built their Holy City, with the Temple as its centre.
This faith looked ever to the healing of His people by the Almighty's self. In Egypt it was Mind which saved the Israelites from the belief of the plagues. In the wilderness streams flowed from the rock, and manna fell from the sky; they looked on the Brazen Serpent, and were straightway healed of the poisonous sting of a brood of vipers. In national prosperity, miracles attended the successes of the Hebrews; and when they departed from the living ideal, their demoralization began. Even in captivity, among foreign nations, the Divine Principle wrought wonders for Jehovah's people, in the fiery furnace and in king's palaces.
Nor is the latter part of the Bible, the New Testament, any exception to this divine rule. Its pages are full of Mind-healing.
This leads into the second side of the City which lieth four-square; the East side, it may be called, for into it stream the rising beams of the Sun of Righteousness. Jesus Christ is the second side of Christian Science. The biographies of him are in the latter part of the Bible, but his spiritual individuality (or personality, using the term in its higher, unlimited, spiritual sense) fills historic space, like the light of the risen orb of day He wrought in the infinite order. Men called his deeds miracles; but they were wonderful only as every work of God is, — marvellous to the spiritually blind.