Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/338

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Disease has no intelligence. You sentence yourself to suffer unwittingly. The apprehension of this will enable you to commute this self-sentence, and meet every circumstance as its master, — watching your belief instead of your body.

Think less of so-called material laws, and you will sooner learn man's God-given dominion. You must understand your way out of beliefs and difficulties, or you will never believe that you are out of the woods. The harmony and immortality of man will never be reached without the understanding that Mind is not in matter.

Fear, and its effects on the body, are involuntary. The fear of disease and the love of sin are the springs of man's enslavement. Error is a coward before Truth. Death is but another phase of the dream that life is structural. We must hold forever the consciousness of existence, and sooner or later must scientifically master the errors of sense.

Because mortal mind acts unconsciously, as well as consciously, the sick say, “How can mind have caused a disease that I never thought of, and knew nothing about until it appeared on my body?”

I have answered this question in my explanation of disease as originating in the unconscious mortal mind, or in the body which this mind calls matter. This mortal blindness, and its sharp consequences, show our need of metaphysics. We should study Mind, if we would reach the understanding of Soul and destroy the errors of sense.

To prevent or cure scrofula, and other so-called hereditary diseases, you must destroy the fear and the belief in these ills, and in the possibility of their transmission.