Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/368

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to the feast, the excuses come. One has a farm, another has merchandise; therefore they cannot come. Truth will compel us all at length, in ways we least expect, to exchange the pleasures of sense for the joys of Soul.

Contending for the inharmonious spectacle presented by the senses, we virtually contend against the control of Mind over body, and deny the ability of mental power to produce a desired result. This false method is as if a defendant should argue for the plaintiff, and in favor of a law which he knows will militate against himself.

I would not transform the infant at once into a man, nor would I keep the suckling a lifelong babe. No impossible thing I ask, when urging the claims of Christian Science; but because this teaching is in advance of the age, we should not deny the need of spiritual Life.

We have no right to say that Life depends on matter now, but will not depend on it after death. We cannot spend our days here in ignorance of the Science of Life, and expect to find the grave a reward for this ignorance and sloth. Death will not make us harmonious and immortal, as a recompense for unfaithfulness. If we give no earthly heed to the Life which is spiritual and eternal, we shall not be ready for it hereafter.

“This is Life eternal,” says Jesus, — is, not shall be; and then he defines everlasting Life as a present knowledge of his Father and himself, — “to know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus the Christ, whom Thou didst send.”

The Scriptures say, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God,” — showing clearly that Truth is the Life of man; whereas the world objects to making this teaching a reality.