twenty minutes, moving and playing without harm, like a fish. Parents should remember this, and so learn how to develop their children properly on dry land.
Mind controls the birth-throes in the lower realms of nature, wherein parturition is without suffering. Vegetables, minerals, and many animals suffer no pain in multiplying; but human propagation has its woe, because of its belief. Science reveals harmony as increasing, proportionately as the line of creation rises towards man, — towards enlarged understanding and intelligence; but for the sake of the senses, the less a man knows the better for him, — the less pain and sorrow are his.
Mortal minds must relinquish their belief in other methods than the divine, before the curse can be removed which says to woman, “In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.” The longevity of mortals increases as Divine Science is understood. That Science rolls back the clouds of error with the light of Truth, and lifts the curtain on man as reinvested with his native supremacy.
Scholastic theology takes up the history of man as beginning right materially, but immediately commencing to sin spiritually; whereas revealed religion proclaims the Science of Mind and its formations — the universe and man — as being in accordance with both the first chapter of the Old Testament, and the immaculate conception of Jesus Christ.