Earth. A sphere; a type of Eternity and Immortality, which are likewise without beginning or end.
To material sense, Earth is matter; to spiritual sense, it is a compound idea.
Elias. Prophecy; spiritual evidence, opposed to
material sense; Science, whereby to discern the spiritual
fact of whatever the material senses behold; the basis
of immortality.
“Elias truly shall first come and restore all things.” (Matt. xvii. 11.)
Euphrates. Divine Science, encompassing the
universe and man; the true idea of God; a type of the
millennial glory which is to come; Metaphysics taking
the place of physics; the reign of righteousness; the
atmosphere of a finite belief, before it accepted sin,
sickness, or death; a state of sinless mortal thought, whose
only error is limitation; finity; the opposite of infinity.
Eve. A beginning; mortality; that which does not
last forever; a finite belief of life, substance, and intelligence
in matter; error; the belief that the human race
originated materially instead of spiritually, — that man
started firstly from dust, secondly from a rib, and thirdly
from an egg; self-imposed folly, and its consequences.
Evening. Mistiness of mortal thought; weariness of
mortal mind; obscured views; peace and rest.
Eyes. Spiritual discernment; not matter, but a
faculty of Mind.
Jesus said, thinking of the outward vision, “Having eyes, see ye not?” (Mark viii. 18.)