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Science and Health

through its supposed organic action or supposed existence. Error will be no longer used in stating truth. The Mortal nothingness problem of nothingness, or “dust to dust,” will be solved, and mortal mind will be without form and void, for mortality will cease when man beholds himself God's reflection, even as man sees his reflection in a glass.

All Science is divine. Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief A lack of originality has sought and interpreted in its own way the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially; but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound.

The point at issue between Christian Science on the one hand and popular theology on the other is this: Shall Antagonistic questions Science explain cause and effect as being both natural and spiritual? Or shall all that is beyond the cognizance of the material senses be called supernatural, and be left to the mercy of speculative hypotheses?

I have set forth Christian Science and its application to the treatment of disease just as I have discovered them. Biblical basis I have demonstrated through Mind the effects of Truth on the health, longevity, and morals of men; and I have found nothing in ancient or in modern systems on which to found my own, except the teachings and demonstrations of our great Master and the lives of prophets and apostles. The Bible has been my only authority. I have had no other guide in “the straight and narrow way” of Truth.

If Christendom resists the author's application of the