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Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1906).djvu/360

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Science and Health

It is objected to Christian Science that it claims God as the only absolute Life and Soul, and man to be His Strong position idea, — that is, His image. It should be added that this is claimed to represent the normal, healthful, and sinless condition of man in divine Science, and that this claim is made because the Scriptures say that God has created man in His own image and after His likeness. Is it sacrilegious to assume that God's likeness is not found in matter, sin, sickness, and death?

Were it more fully understood that Truth heals and that error causes disease, the opponents of a demonstrable Efficacy may be attested Science would perhaps mercifully withhold their misrepresentations, which harm the sick; and until the enemies of Christian Science test its efficacy according to the rules which disclose its merits or demerits, it would be just to observe the Scriptural precept, is “Judge not.”

There are various methods of treating disease, which are not included in the commonly accepted systems; but The one divine method there is only one which should be presented to the whole world, and that is the Christian Science which Jesus preached and practised and left to us as his rich legacy.

Why should one refuse to investigate this method of treating disease? Why support the popular systems of medicine, when the physician may perchance be an infidel and may lose ninety-and-nine patients, while Christian Science cures its hundred? Is it because so allopathy and homœopathy are more fashionable and less spiritual?

In the Bible the word Spirit is so commonly applied