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Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1906).djvu/433

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Christian Science Practice

Spirit, not by matter, and that they find health, peace, and harmony in God, divine Love.

Give sick people credit for sometimes knowing more than their doctors. Always support their trust in the Helpful encouragement power of Mind to sustain the body. Never tell the sick that they have more courage than strength. Tell them rather, that their strength is in proportion to their courage. If you make the sick realize this great truism, there will be no reaction from over-exertion or from excited conditions. Maintain the facts of Christian Science, — that Spirit is God, and therefore cannot be sick; that what is termed matter cannot be sick; that all causation is Mind, acting through spiritual law. Then hold your ground with the unshaken understanding of Truth and Love, and you will win. When you silence the witness against your plea, you destroy the evidence, for the disease disappears. The evidence before the corporeal senses is not the Science of immortal man.

To the Christian Science healer, sickness is a dream from which the patient needs to be awakened. Disease to be made unreal Disease should not appear real to the physician, since it is demonstrable that the way to cure the patient is to make disease unreal to him. To do this, the physician must understand the unreality of disease in Science.

Explain audibly to your patients, as soon as they can bear it, the complete control which Mind holds over the body. Show them how mortal mind seems to induce disease by certain fears and false conclusions, and how divine Mind can cure by opposite thoughts. Give your patients an underlying understanding to support them