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Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1906).djvu/441

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Christian Science Practice

parents or some of his progenitors farther back have so believed. Mortal mind, not matter, induces this conclusion and its results. You will have humors, just so long as you believe them to be safety-valves or to be ineradicable.

If the case to be mentally treated is consumption, take up the leading points included (according to belief) in Nothing to consume this disease. Show that it is not inherited; that inflammation, tubercles, hemorrhage, and decomposition are beliefs, images of mortal thought superimposed upon the body; that they are not the truth of man; that they should be treated as error and put out of thought. Then these ills will disappear.

If the body is diseased, this is but one of the beliefs of mortal mind. Mortal man will be less mortal, when he The lungs re-formed learns that matter never sustained existence and can never destroy God, who is man's Life. When this is understood, mankind will be more spiritual and know that there is nothing to consume, since Spirit, God, is All-in-all. What if the belief is consumption? God is more to a man than his belief, and the less we acknowledge matter or its laws, the more immortality we possess. Consciousness constructs a better body when faith in matter has been conquered. Correct material belief by spiritual understanding, and Spirit will form you anew. You will never fear again except to offend God, and you will never believe that heart or any portion of the body can destroy you.

If you have sound and capacious lungs and want Soundness maintained them to remain so, be always ready with the mental protest against the opposite belief in heredity. Discard all notions about lungs, tubercles, in-