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mortal. If a child is the offspring of physical sense and not of Soul, the child must have a material, not a spiritual Immortal birthright origin. With what truth, then, could the Scriptural rejoicing be uttered by any mother, “I have gotten a man from the Lord”? On the contrary, if aught comes from God, it cannot be mortal and material; it must be immortal and spiritual.

Matter is neither self-existent nor a product of Spirit. An image of mortal thought, reflected on the retina, is Matter's supposed selfhood all that the eye beholds. Matter cannot see, feel, hear, taste, nor smell. It is not self-cognizant, — cannot feel itself, see itself, nor understand itself. Take away so-called mortal mind, which constitutes matter's supposed selfhood, and matter can take no cognizance of matter. Does that which we call dead ever see, hear, feel, or use any of the physical senses?

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and Chaos and darkness darkness was upon the face of the deep.” (Genesis i. 1, 2.) In the vast forever, in the Science and truth of being, the only facts are Spirit and its innumerable creations. Darkness and chaos are the imaginary opposites of light, understanding, and eternal harmony, and they are the elements of nothingness.

We admit that black is not a color, because it reflects no light. So evil should be denied identity or power, Spiritual reflection because it has none of the divine hues. Paul says: “For the invisible things of Him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” (Romans i. 20.)