Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1906).djvu/58

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Science and Health

Jesus' life proved, divinely and scientifically, that God is Love, whereas priest and rabbi affirmed God to be a mighty potentate, who loves and hates. The Jewish theology gave no hint of the unchanging love of God.

The universal belief in death is of no advantage. It A belief in death cannot make Life or Truth apparent. Death will be found at length to be a mortal dream, which comes in darkness and disappears with the light.

The “man of sorrows” was in no peril from salary or popularity. Though entitled to the homage of the world Cruel desertion and endorsed pre-eminently by the approval of God, his brief triumphal entry into Jerusalem was followed by the desertion of all save a few friends, who sadly followed him to the foot of the cross.

The resurrection of the great demonstrator of God's power was the proof of his final triumph over body Death outdone and matter, and gave full evidence of divine Science, — evidence so important to mortals. The belief that man has existence or mind separate from God is a dying error. This error Jesus met with divine Science and proved its nothingness. Because of the wondrous glory which God bestowed on His anointed, temptation, sin, sickness, and death had no terror for Jesus. Let men think they had killed the body! Afterwards he would show it to them unchanged. This demonstrates that in Christian Science the true man is governed by God — by good, not evil — and is therefore not a mortal but an immortal. Jesus had taught his disciples the Science of this proof. He was here to enable them to test his still uncomprehended saying, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also.” They must understand more fully his Life-principle by casting